Total Medals Earned: 51 (From 15 different games.) Total Medal Score: 645 Points
Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/405 points)
Start playing
Defeat Fruitcake
Defeat Eggnog
Defeat Gingerbread
Save all the Pups
Beat the game without dying
Beat the game in under 6 minutes
Beat the game without healing
Medals Earned: 1/11 (5/130 points)
Defeat 100 or more enemies total.
Don't use your flashlight and survive for 2 minutes.
Defeat all enemy types.
Defeat 500 or more enemies total.
Defeat 1,000 or more enemies total.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Last 3 and a half minutes without getting hit.
Defeat 250 enemies in a single play.
Collect 25 or more power-ups total.
Defeat 150 enemies without picking up any power-ups.
Medals Earned: 6/8 (120/175 points)
Medals Earned: 1/3 (5/65 points)
start the game
find all the tapes!
Medals Earned: 3/3 (40/40 points)
Start the game
Beat Week 1 in Story mode and unlock Week 2
Funk on a Friday (real time)
Medals Earned: 1/5 (25/135 points)
Beat the game.
Let out all your aggression.
Be kind to those less fortunate than yourself.
Reveal the true face of evil!
Defeat Madness Mode!
Medals Earned: 4/25 (25/640 points)
Deflect at least 5 bullets at once using katana
Get 5x combo
Get 10x combo
Open one of the official levels
Get 15x combo
Get 20x combo
Get 30x combo
Get 50x combo
Open the level editor
Die 25 in one level
Deflect 13 bullets from one life
Finish one of the levels
Complete "Borrowed Wheels"
Complete "Bloodlust"
Complete "Bloody Density"
Complete "Killergift"
Complete "Murdspite"
Complete "Diviso"
Complete any level with the Chaser modifier
Complete any level with Realism modifier
Complete any level with Drunken modifier
Complete any level with Berserker modifier
Complete any level with Real Time modifier
Complete any level with all modifiers
Kill two enemies through two walls
Medals Earned: 2/6 (10/195 points)
Somehow, by some miracle, start the game.
Finish the game having done every task.
Get EXTREMELY lucky and catch a super duper ultra mega rare fish.
Medals Earned: 2/93 (10/750 points)
Complete the Tutorial Mission
Beat Standard (any) as Pico
Beat Standard (any) as Cassette Girl
Beat Standard (any) as Darnell
Beat Standard (any) as Nene
Beat Standard (any) as Hank
Beat Standard (any) as Son
Beat Standard (any) as Girlfriend
Beat Standard (any) as Alloy
Defeat Standard (any)
Beat all Standard modes on all maps
Beat Standard Insane
Beat all Standard Insane on all maps
Beat both Standard Mode and Insane Mode on all Maps.
Get to wave 10 on Endless Mode
Beat (any) standard mode in under 6 minutes.
Beat (any) Insane Mode in under 6 minutes.
Achieve Disgusting or higher
Achieve the highest combo rating possible.
Discover all the Assists and defeat all the Bosses
Medals Earned: 1/11 (5/325 points)
Now everyone knows you like uncensored NG humor.
To get paid? Nah man. To get ice cream.
Save the Day with a full Mayhem Bonus.
Never mind, I wanna go browse Newgrounds dot com instead.
The uh, safety was off there.
2 Left Thumbs would be proud.
Make a big explosion!
Complete the Pacifist Route.
If you do see Peter the Ant by chance, smoosh 'em.
Run out of ammo and die.
You beat the game with TOUCH CONTROLS. I'm AFRAID of you. Just kidding.